Great sturdy bike
This is our second balance bike. The other one was from a company that sold them made of wood. This quality far exceeds our last bike and will withstand my child’s activity. Highly recommend.
Give your child the ultimate riding experience by pairing their Bentley Balance Bike with a matching Bentley Kids Helmet.
Designed for comfort, protection, and style, the helmet’s lightweight fit and premium features ensure your child stays safe as they develop balance and confidence.
The magnesium alloy frame is developed to be exceptionally strong yet lightweight. It can effectively support up to 35 kg of weight at only 650 g itself. This innovative design makes the Bentley balance bike easily portable yet robust.
Brake discs have been incorporated into the overall design to ensure the safety and comfort of your budding/little cyclist, so they can ride with added confidence and leave you with peace of mind.
Inspired by the Bentley Continental GT, these bikes are sure to turn heads at the park. Choose from 4 captivating colorways that are unique to the Bentley Balance Bike.